Pso2 Rappy Slots Timing
AQ: The main way of making money will involve running Advanced Quests in Pso2. Now the main thing your looking for is x4(slot) armor or weapons with Power III, Shoot III, Technique III, Spirita III, Stamina III or a soul like Quartz soul.
One way of making money is hunting armors! The armors your looking for have Power III, Shoot III, Technique III, Spirita III, Stamina III, or some/all of the above! Here is an example.
This armor can be sold as is or you can go to Dudu or Monica and add some more abilities to increase the value.
Weapons are tricky you need to mash affixes and I'll explain more in detail later, however what your looking for on weapons is the same as armor. The bad part is you cannot sell them with just a single Power, Tech, Shoot, Spitita, Stamina III you will need 3 of the 5 on it to sell for money. This is an example of a weapon you want to make.
To mash affixes together goes like this.
Step 1: Hoard weapons that have 5 -8 slots that drop from Big/King Vardha or Quartz.
Step 2: Go to Dudu/Monica once you have enough and go to Add abilities
Step 3: Select for an example a weapon with Power III, and 4 other affixes that don't matter
Step 4: Select 2 other weapons one with shoot III, spirita III 3 crappy affixes, and another with Technique III x4 crap.
Step 5: Select Power III, Shoot III, Tech III, Spirita III and one crap affix with 100% chance to add, then use a 30% affix boost from the Excube shop (10% works fine) add them together and see if it passes. If it does you make money if not re-try the process!
As a side note, if your making a weapon and don't feel like yoloing it use a 30%, instead of a 10%.
Where to farm!
I will now tell you where to farm in Aq's! The best places are:
Special Survey: Tunnels: (Weapon and armor with level 3 abilities)
Special Survey: Skyscape: (Weapons and armor with level 3 abilities and Quartz soul)
Special Survey: Ruins: (Weapon and armor with level 3 abilities) and a small chance at elder pain.
Oh boy Clones, those magical things that are a rare code in Aq's that crap money at you.
Clones are well clones. there copies of abducted people from tacos. Clones drop a very special affix called Modulator and it sells for a ton of money. The higher the affix of the dropped item the more money you make.
Clones also drop Photon spheres so in a party of 4 you make on average with sphere drops you make 80-160k meseta.
Apprentice Soul!
Apprentice Soul comes from a new mob called Doppelganger or Dark Falz Apprentice.
The soul its self gives 40 S,R,T Atk so it's very good like modulator it's high in price and should never be over looked. so
Ultimate Buster!
I don't know if this will raise in price, however I will edit this out if it does not.
Fun Scratching!
One way of making money is fun scratching, Tl:dr get to 70, play Magatsu, turn your excubes into fun tickets, use said tickets. Then buy from the fun shop items that sell or fun scratch the fun, sell on market and profit(no photon chairs can be sold). Note: room goods sell for a fair amount of money, if any good room goods are in the scratch try scratching some you might make some money.
Making late game weapons!
This is one way of making money I've used before.
Step 1: Find a Force, Hunter, Fighter, Ranger weapon and Plus it to +40, meaning potential it to level 3, and +10 it.
Step 2: Affix it. Make it a 3-5 slot weapon with cheap good stats.
Step 3: Making sure it will sell. Look on the market and see if it in high demand and ask yourself this. Are people using it a a lot, Are people buying.
Step 4: Profit. You can buy, affix and sell weapons for cheap especially if you keep (+1) grind protects from fun scratching. Force weapons like Rods are really good profit so start here.
Extreme Quests!
To farm this you need Extreme Passes that you get once per day (save them up).
Now to farm this you need 1-4 people, Stages 46-50 of Glacial Machinery, and 61-65 of Forsaken Aquatics. (use 250% Rare Drop rate boosters and or run on boost weeks)
Armor is farmed on Stage 46-50 of Glacial Machinery by getting to the last stage and letting chrome dragon spawn the darkers, and killing them.
The weapons are farmed by running stage 61-65 of Forsaken Aquatics and collecting the rare drops that drop and or getting a rare stage and getting a Trident crusher/Sange.
What to look for.
You are looking for Flict Arma, Tiro, Magia or Alter Arma, Tiro, Magia. (they sell well depending on the weapon or armor).
More to be added soon!
I will edit this post if I figure out more ways of making money and add it to this list, and there are other ways to make money, like rare weapon hunting, or buying ac items. However they are slow. So to wrap things up, Go make some money!

@Miraglyth said in Tier Mission 'Trigger PSE Burst on Rappy Slots' Is. Might annoy folks that I got Burst from two consecutive Chances last night. After the first Burst I still had 3 rappy marks on the left so I played to the next Chance and lo and behold immediate second Burst. Cost: The number of passes depends on the number of slots on the final item (includes regular and S-class abilities). 1-4 slots costs 5 passes. 5 slots costs 15 passes. 6 slots costs 25 passes. 7 slots costs 50 passes. 8 slots costs 100 passes. With the 8 slot weapon meta, if you are using these on a weapon you would need over 2 months of. Rappy Burst Trigger a Rappy PSE Burst. Photon Sphere Super R Burst Trigger 50 Rappy PSE Bursts. Photon Sphere x2 Star R Burst Trigger 100 Rappy PSE Bursts. Photon Sphere x3 Super R Burst Trigger 200 Rappy PSE Bursts. Photon Sphere x4??? Hit the jackpot in Rappy Slots. Rare Drop Rate +250% x5. Mags begin with three slots for Trigger Actions, and can obtain up to eight through leveling and unlocking them with a special device. The fourth slot is unlocked at level 30, and the fifth at level 100. Slots six through eight require the Mag Support Extend Device, available only through the AC Scratch. Evolution × × ×.
❖ Community

Name | Requirement | Reward |
会話好き Likes Conversation | Chat 50 times | [Star Atomizer] x1 |
おしゃべりさん Chatterbox | Chat 1,000 times | [Mimic Doll] x1 |
稀代の話術士 Professional Speaker | Chat 25,000 times | [Synthesizer] x1 |
エンドレススピーカー Endless Speaker | Chat 100,000 times | [Grinder] x1 |
君はひとりじゃない You Are Not Alone | Join a team | [Star Atomizer] x1 |
絆の結晶 Crystal of Bonds | Make 100 friends | [Fruity Gift] x1 |
Pso2 Rappy Slots Timing Chain
Name | Requirement | Reward |
勝負師の誕生 Birth of a Gambler | Have 100 coins. | [FUN 100 Ticket] x1 |
勝負師の卵 Newbie Gambler | Have 1,000 coins. | [FUN 100 Ticket] x3 |
一流勝負師 First Class Gambler | Have 5,000 coins. | [FUN 500 Ticket] x1 |
真剣師 Serious Gambler | Have 10,000 coins. | [*Sparkling Fight] x1 |
カジノデビュー Casino Debut | Stay inside the Casino for 1 hour. | [Photon Drop] x5 |
カジノ大好き Casino Lover | Stay inside the Casino for 10 hours. | [Photon Drop] x10 |
カジノに入り浸り Casino Addict | Stay inside the Casino for 25 hours. | [Photon Drop] x30 |
シューターバースト Shooter Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Mesetan Shooter at least once. | [Photon Sphere] x1 |
スーパーSバースト Super Shooter Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Mesetan Shooter 50 times. | [Photon Sphere] x2 |
スターSバースト Star Shooter Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Mesetan Shooter 100 times. | [Photon Sphere] x3 |
ハイパーSバースト Hyper Shooter Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Mesetan Shooter 200 times. | [Photon Sphere] x4 |
ラッピーバースト Rappy Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Rappy Slot Machine at least once. | [Photon Sphere] x1 |
スーパーRバースト Supper Rappy Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Rappy Slot Machine 50 times. | [Photon Sphere] x2 |
スターRバースト Star Rappy Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Rappy Slot Machine 100 times. | [Photon Sphere] x3 |
ハイパーRバースト Hyper Rappy Burst | Get a PSE Burst on Rappy Slot Machine 200 times. | [Photon Sphere] x4 |
シューティングスター Shooting Star | Get a Neo PSE Burst on Mesetan Shooter at least once. | [Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%] x5 |
ラッピースター Rappy Star | Win the Rappy Slot Jackpot once. | [Rare Drop Rate Boost +250%] x5 |
りりっ! Lilichu! | Find the secret Lillipan at least once. | [*Osalli Shaft] x1 |