Nsw Poker Machines Covid
Poker machine losses skyrocketed elsewhere as the COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted; in Queensland by more than 30 per cent and Tasmania 20 per cent. This tells us Australians are still highly vulnerable to gambling harm. Victorians will likely suffer similarly if reforms are not enacted, and Premier Daniel Andrews needs to hear it. NSW is set to become the first state to allow pokies venues to reopen as COVID-19 restrictions are eased, but anti-gambling groups say it's a case of putting 'money before health'. From Monday, up to 50 people will be allowed in restaurants, pubs and cafes.

Updated 8/1/2020
Major Tool & Machine is complying with the state and county mandates for all individuals to wear a mask or face covering. To comply with this mandate, we require all visitors to wear a mask or face covering while on our premises. We will supply you with one or you can provide your own. If you wear a mask/face covering of your own, it must not have any pictures or printed words, etc, that are inappropriate for the workplace. If you do not comply, we may have to ask you to leave our campus. There is no end date on this order. We will update the required policy when a change occurs.

Requirements for visiting Major Tool & Machine:
All visitors to Major Tool must be approved in advance by a management member of Major Tool & Machine.
Each visitor will be required to complete a health assessment form upon arrival or when initially required to with the implementation of this plan.
If approval is given for your presence on the premises, you are required to abide by all the same precautions regarding personal hygiene, communication methods and other actions listed below. If we determine that you are introducing a significant risk to our work environment, you will be asked to leave the premises.
Nsw Poker Machines Covid Testing
Poker Machines Games
You will be required to wear a mask, which will be supplied at reception, while in the facility.
Stay in the area that you are being hosted in or perform work in. Please do not walk through other areas of the facility unless it is absolutely necessary.
Use social distancing practices – the CDC recommends 6 feet of distance or more whenever possible.
Call or email for communication with Major Tool employees, whenever possible.
Leave the premises when the purpose of your visit or work for the day is concluded.
If you develop symptoms consistent with the COVID-19 virus, come into contact with anyone that knows they have been exposed or is experiencing symptoms, you must notify your Major Tool host immediately. In that case, we will no longer allow you to be at our facility until we receive documentation that confirms you have been assessed, are COVID-19 free, and have met the self-quarantine requirement of 14 days.